Almost half ( 49.8 per cent) of urban consumers surveyed by China Confidential regularly buy vitamins and dietary supplements& a significant proportion given the relative immaturity of the sector. 《中国投资参考》调查的城市消费者中,近一半(49.8%)的受访者定期购买维生素和膳食补充剂。考虑到该行业在中国还相对不成熟,这一比例已是相当之高。
Third, increases in the price of what the federal government buys relative to what the private sector buys will inevitably increase the cost of state involvement in the economy. 原因之三是,联邦政府采购项目对比私人部门采购项目的相对价格呈上升趋势,这将不可避免地增大联邦政府参与经济活动的成本。
Policymakers can take some comfort in the relative stability of Japan's financial system compared with global fears and apparent success in averting a credit crunch that would add to the troubles of the business sector. 相对于全球担忧而言,日本金融体系相对稳定,同时日本显然成功避免了信贷紧缩(这将加剧企业界的困境),决策者可以为此感到宽慰。
Relative size of the public sector in total expenditure 公营部门开支在总体开支中所占比率
ZFS is a relative newcomer to China's general, or non-life, insurance sector. 相对而言,在中国的一般(即非人寿)保险领域,苏黎世金融服务集团还是个新来者。
Relative record 10 is stored 10 sectors away, at track 30, sector 10. 第10号相对记录存放在离起点第10个扇区的第30磁道第10扇区上。
Geely, the parent firm of Hong Kong-listed Geely Auto holding, is a relative newcomer to the highly competitive sector, having started auto production in1998. 吉利,香港的父母公司-吉利列出了汽车把持,对高度地竞争的部门是一个比较的新来者,有让汽车生产从在1998年开始。
He went on: The free movement of labour within the European Union, and relative openness to immigration by those with specific expertise from outside it, has also meant that employers in the financial sector can access the world labour market. 他继续表示:欧盟内部劳动力的自由流动,以及对来自欧盟外部拥有特定专业技能的移民实行相对开放的政策,也意味着金融行业的雇主能进入全球劳动力市场。
The supply of Chinese college graduates is only "excessive" relative to the underdevelopment of its private sector and there is little possibility for change unless China undertakes bold reforms. 中国大学毕业生只是相对于私营企业运行环境不成熟的现状而显得相对“过剩”,并且如果中国不进行大胆的改革,现状很难得到改变。
Note that the relative record number, a logical concept, and the relative sector number, it is possible to compute a relative sector number. 注意,相对记录编号(即一个逻辑概念)与相对扇区编号(即一个物理位置)是完全相同的。
The surfeit of liquidity and the relative health of the country's financial sector have led to a widening spread in interest rates between Japan and the rest of the world. 流动性过剩和相对健康的金融业,已导致日本与全球其它地区的利差不断扩大。
But even insisting that banks become smaller on a relative basis as the sector grows would stifle loan growth from the big boys while allowing the whippersnappers to go for broke. 但即便只是要求银行在行业壮大时缩小相对规模,也会遏制大银行的放贷,而让那些妄自尊大的小机构孤注一掷。
The current system of financial regulation is at a fantastic disadvantage relative to the financial sector in terms of expertise and resources, he says. 相比于金融领域,目前的金融监管体系在专业知识和资源方面处于极大的劣势。
Relative Sensitivity of Sector Split-Drain Magnetic Field-Effect Transistor Based on Geometrical Correction Factor of Sector Hall Plate 基于扇形霍尔板几何修正因子的分裂漏磁敏场效应晶体管相对灵敏度研究
Starting from the mechanisms such as gearing principle, relative motion and hysteresis phenomenon etc, the paper sets forth the rules of motion of eccentrical gear sector pair of nonlinear variable speed ratio steering gear and deduces out mathematical model between main geometrical parameters. 从齿轮原理、相对运动和滞后现象等机理出发,阐述了非线性变速比转向器偏心齿扇副的运动规律,推导出主要几何参数之间的数学模型。
Synthesizing relative studies in foreign, to present the methodologies of stakeholder analysis, and its origins, development, application in health sector. To give reference for the relevant study. 在综合国外相关研究的基础上,系统地介绍了利益相关者方法的产生、发展以及在卫生领域的应用情况,以期为国内相关研究的进一步开展提供借鉴。
The proposed method not only considers the relative change of gross output of each sector due to the input coefficient changing, but also takes into account the influence of the final demand structure. 该方法不仅考虑直接消耗系数变动所引起的各个部门产出的相对变动,而且还考虑了最终需求结构对部门产出的影响。
DEA is one of newly developed methodologies to measuring relative efficiency in hospital sector. Compared with other methods, DEA could be be more accurate in evaluating efficiency of service provision provided by general hospitals. DEA是80年代发展起来的测量医院技术效率的一种系统分析方法,在国外医院评价中已得到广泛应用,它可以客现准确地衡量医院的总体效率,还能够找出低效率运行的原因所在。
Relative productivity growth between trade and non-trade sector as well as capital flows would impose adverse impact on the enforcement of economic policies. 鉴于贸易部门与非贸易部门之间相对劳动生产率增长和资本流入可能引发人民币实际升值,进而对国内经济政策的实施造成不利后果,故须引起政策制定者的重视。
Relative to early technique for granite machining, cutting with diamond circular saw-blade revolutionizes the whole sector both in reducing the cost and in improving the efficiency. 相对于早期的加工技术,金刚石圆锯片切割无论在降低加工成本还是提高加工效率方面都有了革命性的变化。
The financial structure refers to the distribution, existence, relative scale, interrelation and fitting state of various components that constitute it as a whole, which reflects the functionality and efficiency of the financial sector. 金融结构是指构成金融总体的各个组成部分的分布、存在、相对规模、相互关系与配合的状态,它反映了金融业的功能和效率。
In the Netherlands, commercial and trade relative to finance had a comparative advantage; but compared to other countries in this period, the Dutch financial sector has a comparative advantage. 在荷兰国内,商业和贸易相对于金融具有比较优势;但相对于该时期的其他国家而言,荷兰的金融业具有比较优势。
In all the influence factors, GDP growth rate, relative per capita GDP, exchange rate factors, the domestic banking sector credit growth has a significant effect on the three panels. 所有影响因素中,GDP增长率、相对人均GDP、汇率因素、银行部门提供的国内信贷增长对三个面板有较显著的影响。
The performance evaluation should be the unification of the subjective feeling of the audience and the objective performance production of relative sectors, the unification of the administrative behavior of the public sector and the result. 公共管理绩效评估应该是受众的主观绩效感受与相关部门的客观绩效成果的统一,是公共部门管理行为与管理结果的统一。